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Old 02-10-2012, 11:33 AM
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Julia von Pfaler Julia von Pfaler is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Finland
Posts: 6
Default Re: Introducing myself :)

Oh wow! Thank you so much for the replies...should have added that I'm usually only able to be online during weekends, sorry for the delay!

JJ Roberts: my background in art? Well, have to say I'm not fully aware of what exactly made my drawing ability to rocket in about a year of turning 16, but been drawing ever since and still learning in spikes- 24 now, self-learned all of the techniques I tend to use. Plus trying to view and memorise as much of anatomy and different kinds of textures as possible. Have started to draw from imagination more aswell, what I've not done too often. On the downside tend to see only details and can easilly miss the complete picture; it's like seeing only trees without realizing it's a forest! So learning new things can be real slow to start with, but have learned to give some time for the new stuff to settle before taking next challenges and that seems to be working alright

Chris M: Thank you. I'm studying in Mynämäki, the school is known of it's hand forging classes and ancient technique side..real awesome place, but in the middle of nowhere I'll be digging more information from this site, once I get my hands on some tools and sure have mountainload of questions ahead, so beware :P

Thanks again everyone, 'am in a bit of a hurry right now, but surely will come back later!

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