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Old 07-07-2008, 12:46 PM
Joe PAonessa Joe PAonessa is online now
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 91
Default ANA Summer Seminar Dies

Hi All,

Below is a link to the picture of the dies and a strike from each of them. In the class we cut to size and mounted 5-6 gravers, laid out our designs ( I brought Transfer Magic and everyone was impressed with how it worked), and cut our dies. Mine is in the middle. Because the people from Gallery Mint couldn't make it this year to do our strikings, I brought my jig for hand-hammer striking. no one else wanted to hold the dies while swinging a 4 pound hammer, so I got to strike all 140 pieces we made, lucky me! Anyways, it was a great time and I would like to thank Steve Ellsworth for contacting Dave London for me. Dave brought his Lindsay PC to the class and let all of us play with it. I don't know if it will generate any sales, but there were some very impressed people in the class. Gotta go do that day job thing.

Joe Paonessa
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