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Daniel Houwer
03-10-2008, 07:05 PM
My name is Daniel.

I am goldsmith and diamond setter and as a hobby I try to work with techniques that our ancient forefathers used to work with metal.
We (the group I'm in) make smelting furnace's to make iron (200bc) cast bronze (1500bc up to 1000ad) and we are blacksmithing up to the end of the viking era.
A lot of our casting models are carved/engraved out of bone.

At school I had some engraving lessons but they were no good alas and a long time ago.
With my work as setter I do use the graver a lot. Since about a year I have a gravermax at my work and want one in my own workshop since.
The Lindsay graver looks much better though and for what I have heard works just as well or even better. So I've got some things to figure out and hope you can help me with that choice. I stil manly use the push gravers because I don't have a lot of time to play at work.


So far I've really enjoyed reading the post's on this forum. Very helpfull!!! Some of the tutorials are brilliant. I've made a few myself, but for a dutch forum for goldsmiths. Sorry that they won't do any good here.
Hopefully I can be of use to you at some point, but for now I'll be mainly at the asking side. (and I don't know how to put in the icons at the bottem when you are posting something :-( )

Greetings to you all,


Barry Lee Hands
03-10-2008, 08:33 PM
Welcome to the club Daniel, keep up the good work !

Ray Cover
03-10-2008, 09:22 PM
welcome aboard Daniel :cheers2:

Daniel Houwer
03-11-2008, 04:53 PM
Thank you for your welcome.

I've been wanting to sign up for allmost as long as I have joined Sam's forum but thougt it would be somewhat double.
Last week I got a bad case of the flu and finaly had time to sift through this forum and I like it a lot! And seeing a lot of familiar name's caused me to sign up here as well.
(not so much for the chance of winning the classic Lindsay because I wouldn't be able to make the most interesting thread anyway)

Another thing, first post I tried to ad an "oops" icon behind a sentence in the message and it ended up in front of my post. This was not my meaning. :-( and it seems I cannot remove or change it. Or can I? Anyone?

Thanks again,


03-11-2008, 06:52 PM
Welcome, Daniel, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Daniel Houwer
03-11-2008, 07:26 PM
Hy nevada bleu,

This is something I'm partially glad with, a medal for my personal trainer.

I made her this medal because I thougt she did very good work and to give my practise some purpose. Allas all with the push graver.
(thanks to Sam's crossed ribbon) You can see a number of slips alas.