View Full Version : Please post pics of the most important things

Steve Lindsay
06-07-2006, 07:57 AM
My daughter will be starting college this fall and it makes a person think about the important things. The other day I talked her into letting me take a picture of her sitting in the vette. Carbide (the cat... also known as Snigget) came to investigate and so she held him for the picture. He looks really happy about the whole thing. :lol:

Tim Adlam
06-07-2006, 12:07 PM
Nice idea Steve.

Here's our granddude, my little man.
Can't quite reach the pedals yet, but when he does...look out!

http://fototime.com/%7B96D006A2-0AD3-4277-BC09-0FF9F2B8F179%7D/picture.JPG http://fototime.com/%7B16D5C1EC-8432-4B31-985A-346A4500EC90%7D/picture.JPG

Steve Lindsay
06-08-2006, 11:50 AM
Tim, Tell your granddude I like his dirt bike! :coolgleamA: :yesnod:

06-08-2006, 01:12 PM
Need to find a picture of me!! J/K

I will have to take a picture now of Cheryl,Taco and Charlie in that order too. We have no human kids.

06-24-2006, 07:39 PM
A few of my important reasons to live. Currently at Ft. Stewart with the 3D ID INF Mech training for deployment.


07-02-2006, 07:37 AM
this is dem
she is growing up and is wanting her space
and at 14 i would love to have her at 3 again
things seem to be in a crazy balance, if i try to find my place in her life
she fans her indepence
i hope the manual on teenage daughters will be pantented by steve
so i dont have to get the reloader out for my birdshot
anyway have a great fourt of July