View Full Version : A Cautionary tail for the cold days

02-05-2009, 11:17 AM
Hi Everyone.
So last Sunday was a warm day and snow was melting a little. I thought it
might be a good time to do a bit of shovelling of the walks. Normally I have
the snow plowed because I live in the snow belt of Ontario and we
get enough of it to stop the Russian Army.

Because the snow was warm, it meant that it was getting heavy.
I didn't wear a coat because doing manly work will keep you warm.
What a mistake! I went in a watch some TV and called it night.
The next day I was doing a job that had setting and engraving.

By noon I was stiff as a board and in a terrible mood. I put a heating pad
on my neck and tried to not think about it. The presidents speech wasn't
that engrossing and all I could think of was neck, neck, neck. Hurts!
I was to find out in the emergency room the next day, the heat was
a big mistake.:toetap05:

I'm in the build up to Valentines day and so there are many deadline and in
this economy no excuses. I was determined to work through it.
Well.................... Feeling like I had been tortured on the rack and not
been able to move my neck even a half millimetre, even using 222's (A pain
reliever American are not allowed to take.) There was nothing for it but
to see a doctor.:help:

After feeling like fool for the no coat business, and then to learn a Ice pack
was what was called for to get some relief. I got my mussel relaxant
prescription. I got enough to take through Valentines Day. I know a little
more about the tool I call a body. Remembering that engravers often have to
learn the hard way. I thought I'd pass it on.

Talk to ya later,

02-05-2009, 01:16 PM
Sucks getting OLD Jim. I hope your back heals up quickly.

I learned a few decades ago about the value of stretching...or the pain and healing of NOT stretching. Ibuprofin(Advil) does wonders for me.

Good luck!
