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11-19-2006, 05:38 PM
Hi all,

whats the latest movie you saw and what did you thinks about it ? :) (http://university-of-phoenix-n.blogspot.com)
i'll kickoff ;)

the life ofs david gale
i thought it wasa quite predictable. maybe i'vt seen too many kevin spacey movies tho. other thenv that it was ok.


11-20-2006, 09:36 AM
:lurk5:last night to the movies and saw the new 007 movie Casino Royal

it was a good movie lots and lots of action , man this one guy with a scar on his face was running away from James like a monkey it was so cool , and of corse it had a few wonderfull beautyfull women in the move the thing i didnt like so much is the lack of Gagets i always like the Tec part and there was very very little in the movie . other than that it was a 4 star movie .

12-01-2006, 08:57 AM
It isn't a new movie, but I just saw Cinderella Man for the first time. Excellent movie. Sort of a Rocky type movie but the amazing part was, it was or was based on a true story of Jim Braddock in the depression of the 30's.


12-13-2006, 08:26 AM
I saw the Nativity and would recommend it to anyone. It was a beautiful rendering of the Christmas story.