View Full Version : Bergling Monogram book on Ebay

12-11-2009, 07:57 AM
Item number: 350289949521 . 1927 edition, 64 pgs, HB, seller says very good condition. Start price $29.00 with shippping.
I have two editions of this book. They are really good. I have two other monogram books, and I like the Bergling ones the best. Have a 17th edition, printed 1948, HB, 102 pgs. and 20th edition printed 1981
by Gem City, 110 pgs, HB.
Each has a couple of pages-pictures the other one does not have. The Gem city is on better paper and the quality of the printing is just as good as the 1948 version. If I could keep only one I would keep the 1981 Gem City. Maybe the 1924 version is also different, but it has a lot less pages.
Not my Ebay listing, don't know seller etc etc. Just thought someone might be interested. Kevin Scott

12-12-2009, 01:31 PM
I agree, I also have the Bergling books that I got while attending GemCity in the mid 70's. They are GREAT.

I bought one as a gift for a friend 2 years ago. They sell them spiral bound now - really handy to have them lay flat.

They sell them online here... http://www.gemcitycollege.com/college_press.php