View Full Version : So what did Santa bring for Christmas??

12-28-2009, 09:02 AM
I just thought it would be a good show and tell.

I got Lynton McKenzie’s book.:hurray[1]:

It is a great little book with Lynton’s smokes in positive and negative versions for study.

It also covers gravers and more.

It is a very nice study of Lynton’s style.

What was under your Tree?


12-29-2009, 10:45 AM
It's not here yet but I'm getting Sam Alfano's new Jewelry Engraving DVD.

I also got a very spiffy new camera & flash (Sony a900 + the top of the line flash). Not technically engraving related but it gives me even more picture taking capacity.

12-29-2009, 06:03 PM
I got 2 new chairs. One for engraving and one for the computer. It sure is nice sitting on a new chair.:biggrin[1]:

12-29-2009, 11:45 PM
Steve the camera must be a good one knowing you do know photogaphy as well as you do. I hear Sams DVD is a good one let us know what you think of it when it comes in, It does have some good reviews..:)

Sam Chairs for engraving (or at the computer desk) are very important for sure.

If you are not comfortable it will show up in your work.


12-29-2009, 11:53 PM
A diamond grinding wheel, 4 new templates, a pack of graver blanks, and a ceramic sharpening stone! :whoo[1]:

Who says I'm hard to shop for? :biggrin[1]:


Daniel Houwer
12-30-2009, 02:08 PM
Christmass brought me the chance to sleep in for two days after each other :biggrin[1]: That was very welcome after working 7 long days a week for the last month or more. For the rest a nice botle of cognac :biggrin[1]:

On the eleventh this month though, my birthday brouth me a GRS slidelock vise and it's a heavy bugger but nice to work with. (not alowed to say ofcourse but here it goes, I would stil love to have Steve's Goliath vise on my turntable) Very happy with the slide lock ability and I have used it for at least 4 days fultime.

Before that I ordered Sam's Succesfull Jewelery engraving DVD,
It is very nice to see al these techniques on one DVD. But it did surprise me of how much this and Sams forum already have given us just for the picking.
I wouldn't want to miss it though. It's always great to see a great artist at work.

Happy new year everyone :thumb[1]:

01-06-2010, 07:16 PM
Santa took a while to get up to me but he finally dropped of a box and now I am the proud owner of a Classic :)

Happy New Year


Joe PAonessa
01-06-2010, 07:52 PM
All I got was a rock. No, wait. That was Halloween. I got an electro-etch set. Now I can mark my tools for my day job and figure out a use for it in engraving.

joe Paonessa

01-22-2010, 03:35 PM
I combine both Christmas and my birthday which is in January, thanks to
forum for the email on the day by the way. This year I got;
Sam's jewellery engraving CD. Two draw plates, and a new iMac with
a 3.06 processor. I put the iMac next to my old eMac and now have the
total apple package. It's nice way to learn new stuff.

Talk to ya later,