View Full Version : My Book is finally Published

02-14-2011, 05:18 PM
I started on a series of books about building muzzleloaders from scratch back in 2007. The first book was finished in 2008 and I spent the next couple years looking for a publisher...to date none of them have been interested enough to put my book in print. So I decided that I was tired of waiting and I went the self Publishing route.

"Building Muzzleloaders From Materials - The Lock" Volume 1 by Colin Stolzer is now available at:

I hope to have Volume 2 finished and ready to publish by mid-summer.


Daniel Houwer
02-15-2011, 11:27 AM
Hi Colin,
Very nice, I ordered a copy straight away. Pitty that the transport costs more than your book :biggrin[1]:
Cant wait to get it here :whoo[1]:

02-15-2011, 01:12 PM
Thank You Daniel.

That oversea's shipping is expensive, only cost a couple bucks to anywhere in the US.
