I think, in the light of 'Most Improved' category - the more time we have, the better. So I'm with Gene and vote 10 weeks of timeframe. 10 or 8 weeks should give enough time to do multiple projects in that time and give more chance to improve. Of course guys who've been engraving for 30 years wouldn't improve much in that time, but that's the idea, right.
Steve E. By 'market value sufficient to warrent the prize' you mean that my engraving should be worth as much as the prize is, eg $500? I think to reach that price level for just my engraving I'd have to work several more years
![Smile[2]](/images/smilies/top smiles/smile[2].gif)
. Right now even the engraved knives I make aren't worth that much. Or maybe I just misunderstood.