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That is actually a leather boot lace that I have wrapped around the lever and tied off. Most of the cowboy shooters do that to reduce the inside diameter of the lever. This way when rapid firing, your fingers are not slapping around inside the lever loop. Roger
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
howdy roger
i am also roger , roger barbee that is, alias hogshooter sass # 51243. i really like your 66 and i wish mine had turned out so nice. i dont have any pics of ityet but hope to get some soon. i live close to tulsa okla and am lucky enough to have 4 cowboy clubs within an hours drive and one of them about 5 minutes from my house . i shoot a pair of ran m coversions in 38 and love them , i have engraved one and started on the other. i also have made a couple pair of spursand engraved them as well . i have pics of them in the engravers- cafe. i to served some time in viet nam back in 68 ,and have worked on several good sized ranches in between doin construction work.been cowboy shooting for 5 yrs and usually run about the middle of the pack or just below when competeing at a shoot but i'm at the top of the list when it comes to having fun with my cowboy friends. i have admired your work since i first saw it and hope someday to be half as good as you. i'll try and post some pics of my stuff an get them posted. better get for now ya'll have a goodun yourn truly hogshooter ( roger barbee)
if ya cant bite dont growel |
Good to have another SASS cowboy here. It sounds like you are a real cowboy at that ![]() Buck Rio
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Nice pics guys. I would like to get into this sport, but don't have much time. I bought a Ruger Vaquero, and a Uberti '66. I just need a shotgun, and Im on my way. Oh yeah, and a new wardrobe! LOL.
roger, how was that vaquero to engrave? I heard they can be a bull. Dave V |
Stainless Vaqueros are a mix. The barrel, grip frame and ejector rod housing and receiver are no sweat. The cylinders are very hard but doable if you use a steep face angle and dub the point. The loading gate can not be engraved unless annealed and even then is harder than the cylinder. Roger
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Roger -Dakota Doc
I am a newbe to this web site only signing up last night...I want to learn how to engrave and will be getting started in a short while. Steve Told me today on the phone that ya'll were SASS shooters and sent me the link to this SASS thread. I have been shooting for 13 years and am SASS #18032. I am an ES and was fourth at EOT last year I was also fourth at Mule Camp, First in NC, and first in Alabama in state shoots. At EOT I got a White Buffalo for shooting the three days CLEAN. My wife shoots with me and her name is Two Ponies Gal. She is a Ladies Silver Senior. We shot in 7 states the last two years. I am currently the VP of the North Alabama Regulators, SASS club of the year in 2004. Take a look at my web site, it has lots of Winchester 1890 stuff and SASS stuff. Twelve pages or so and music on every page. twoponies.com or: http://twoponies.home.mindspring.com ![]() Two Ponies |
![]() ![]() ![]() It's good to have another SASS shooter on the forum. I see you are a model 90 collector. Those are great guns for engraving. Over the years I have done several as well as model 61's. Learning to engrave guns is a long and challenging process but you have come to the right place to learn. Steve's tools will be a great asset to you and help to shorten the learning curve as far as the engraving part goes but cutting metal is only half the story. Learning to design scroll and scenes is the other half. There are lots of people here to help. Click on the link below my signature line to go to the glossary and you will learn the terms, tools and styles of ornamentation we use in the trade. Best wishes, Buck Rio
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Buck Rio--Did you see the Winchester engraved Model 1890 on my web page. It was one engraved by John Gough. They never let the engravers sign the cheaper guns, so the only way we know who did this gun was a picture that Winchester made of it around 1900 and used in their advertising saying, This is what you get for $5.00 extra. That had the serial number of the gun and John Goughs name all on the picture. My web site is: http://twoponies.home.mindspring.com
Two Ponies,
Yes, I saw the engraved M90 on your site. I am familiar with Gough's work. CRB
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Looks like alota fun, enjoyed the photos.
cowboy action shooter also IDPA hence wanting to learn to engrave, hopefully one day I will get good enough to do one of my own guns.
Howdy pards!
My wife and I spent the first week in November at the Badlands Bar 3 ranch for the Southwest regional championship SASS shoot also known as Comin' at 'Cha. Here are a few pics that show the range and some of the activities.
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Well, some people have ALL the fun
![]() Where did this take place? Gail |
The nearest town is Clarksville, Texas. It is about 50 miles East of Texarkana. Roger
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Ah yes, not too far from Detroit, Reno, and Paris
![]() Gail |
I figured I'd send this thread back on up to the top being that Roger linked to it from another thread anyhow. Maybe we can add some more CAS folks and photos on to it as they become available.
The photos of Roger's 1866 with the full coverage has me drooling again. One of my goals this year is to do an 1866 in the L.D. Nimschke style. ![]() Side note: I just had a new hip installed five days ago so my goal is to be able to get out to a shoot or two this summer. ![]() Dakota Doc Martin (SASS #21774) |
I sure hope that hip works out perfectly. It would be great to possee with you at one of the big shoots in the future. Regards, Buck Rio
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Roger. It looks like you been around . My wife was involved in Vegas SASS. she likes to dress up. I myself want to enjoy this with her but just what can you do from a wheel chair. The pictures look a little rough and rugged. I have a couple SA I'm going to engrave, but just setting around showing them isn't all that much fun. I was a NRA personal defence instructor for a couple years and would like to smell the gun powder again. I'm in NE Indiana and would like to have info from shooters within a couple hours about friendly terrain for my wheel chair. Thanks for starting this and posting your guns. Great motivation. chickenscratcher
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Most or all of the SASS clubs I know of will make concessions for you to be able to shoot the stages. Instead of hopping on up on the wooden horse... you roll over beside it. That sort of thing. It's all about having fun. If you can't do it all from foot... do as much of it as you can from the chair. As long as you can demonstrate good safety practices and aren't body sweeping everyone around you with a loaded gun... I don't see why there would be a problem. ![]() Here's a list of Nebraska clubs you might want to check on: http://sassnet.com/clubs/Clubs_list.php?state=Nebraska Hopefully, I can try it afoot this summer like I used to do it. ![]() Doc |
Here is a link to the Indiana clubs:http://www.sassnet.com/clubs/Clubs_l...?state=Indiana I agree with Doc about shooting from your wheelchair. SASS is about having a good, safe time at the range. The folks will go out of their way to make it happen for you. Visit a club and ask the folks there how to work it out. Some ranges are more wheelchair assessable than others but the people are very welcoming to all. Also have you thought of trap shooting? Over the years I have seen any number of people shooting fron a weelchair. Regards, Roger
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Thanks for the reply Roger and Doc. I am going to check out the locals as soon as the ground is dry and hard again. I never really liked shot guns but it's a thought. Carried a 1911 for about 15 years but was standing back then so got to think up a new rig for the SASS thing, probably shoulder cross draw. Are the 4 inch SA 45 accurate enough for this kind of shooting ? Not much room for the big hoglegs. chickenscratcher
If you are going to shoot any of the regular SASS categories you'll need two single action revolvers, a shotgun of a period style, and a lever action rifle in a pistol caliber. You can download the shooter's rule books here:
SASS Handbooks Being you have a 1911, you might even look into shooting Wild Bunch like Roger does. There's a separate manual for that. You can get by with one pistol that way but you still need a '97 Winchester shotgun and a lever action rifle. Doc |
Revolvers with short barrels are plenty accurate enough for SASS purposes. Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) is not a game of precision accuracy. It is a game of speed and efficient gun handling. All targets are steel. It is either hit or miss. A miss costs you 5 seconds added to your time. Steel pistol targets are usually from 6 to 20 feet in front of the shooter. Hitting them is easy. Hitting them faster than the other shooters is not so easy.
I was on a possee a few times with an old gent who had received a heart transplant and moved around the range in a motorized wheelchair. He wore two single action revolvers with short barrels in a double sholder holster rig. He didn't win any matches (and for that matter I rarely do either) but he had a good time among friendly people who were glad to see him doing what he loved. He has since passed on but he stays in my memory as a man who lived the cowboy spirit and could not be held down by life's travails.
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Thanks guys, or should I say pards. The help is inspirational and helpful. Wife probably will find this just another excuse to buy more guns though, chickenscratcher
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I went to my first SASS shoot of the year last Saturday. The forcast was for warm dry weather and we got cold and wet instead. I was the first shooter on the third stage when the rain started coming down hard. By the time I finished the last shot with my shotgun, pea sized hail was coming down.
My possee (and the other one on the range as well) decided to throw in the towel so we went to the clubhouse for lunch and hope for a clear off. It continued to rain for hours so we eventually packed it in. Nevertheless we actually had a pretty good time hanging around in the clubhouse, talking guns and what not. It just shows that SASS cowboys can have a good time even in bad conditions. Looking for better weather next month. Buck Rio
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Howdy pard,
I'm new to the field. Have dreamed ofg this my whole life. Got a couple of ontroduction days with JJ in Manassas. Learned alot. Just have to save up for some equipment and then return for more. Here's a pic of me taken at home. I shoot a Knob Creek for quite a few years. My alias is Tennesee Trapper Tom. I shoot Frontier cartridge. If youv'e been to Knob Creek in the last 7 years, then we may have meet. Today I am going to the shoot just to help out, surgery has taken out of the loop for a while. Anyway, always nice to know theres a good cowboy around. Cowboy up! ![]() |
You think I should Spellcheck and proof read my posts!!
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Always good to hear of another CAS pard on this forum. I have not shot at Knob Creek as it is about two and a half hours away from me. I usually shoot with the Pleasant Valley Renegades near Pleasant, Indiana or at Big Irons near Middletown, Ohio. There are quite a few Knob Creek regulars that shoot at PV including Captain Grouch and Cumberland Drifter just to name a couple off the top of my Stetson. I occasionally shoot at Hooten Old Town in McKey, KY, especially the state shoot. Regards, Buck
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Hello Doc M. and Roger. I just got my SASS badge about 3 weeks ago. Haven't shot yet but I did go to a shoot to check it out. As I have mentioned before I use a wheelchair to get around and the shoot ranges are rustic. Well the folks at the shoot sure know how to treat a stranger and thats good too because they are really good shots. Doing sketches for one of my SA 45's. I'm slow at getting started but I bet I got 2 cut up for next year.
Doc because I use a chair and will shoot from it I plan to use holsters like the one you have on below your chest. Can you tell me more about it. Thanks pards , chickenscratcher also now known as Panther |
My Cowboy Action Alias, Willy B. Infamous. My first attempts at gun engraving. My new sport of Zoot Shooting as Ike Hildum. See the video at:
Willy B. Infamous aka Darrick D. Smalley "Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est? " |
Just found this old thread. Sorry for resurrecting it, but I was about to ask the same question. My Alias is E. N. Graver. I am a certified Range Officer 2.
Glad to see this thred up again. If any of you IN., MI, OH pards are interested The Hidden Valley Cowboys are presenting what they are clling the Mid West EXPO for Cowboy Action Shooting on March 10 and 11th in Shipshewana Indiana. Should be interesting to see. If you make it and see a guy in a wheelchair and brown cowboy hat say hi. ......PS this not a shoot but all about dress, equipment , supplies and the clubsinthe area asI understand it. Also Shipshewana is a really neet little Amish town full of crafts and charm......chickenscratcher...alise Panther #93201 .....
If the weather cooperates I'll be shooting with the Pleasant Valley Renegades in Southeast, Indiana this Saturday.
Buck Rio SASS #60154
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
I am Willy B. Infamous. Here is my first commission.
Willy B. Infamous aka Darrick D. Smalley "Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est? " |
Hi guys just joined this group last week. I am interested in engraving and working toward getting some classes and a Classic. I have been cowboy shooting here in AZ for about 10 years and as others stated is great fun. Hope to learn a lot from the info here. Thanks
I have to say you've got a great alias! Welcome to the forum. Buck Rio aka Roger Bleile
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
I thought I'd post some pictures from my most recent shoot. I shot the annual two day match with the Pleasant Valley Renegades in Indiana this past week end. I managed to get a few good shots of other shooters and my wife took a sequence when I was in the line. I was shooting in the Silver Senior catagory this time but I still shoot the shotgun "outlaw" style just for fun. I won first place in my catagory but came in 13th overall.
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
Two weeks ago I shot in the Ohio State SASS competition held in Piqua. It is always a good shoot. There were over 220 competitors this year. I was shooting in the "outlaw" category where I had to shoot the shotgun and revolvers from the hip. In the pictures below I am reloading and firing the shotgun. Shooting a revolver is my friend Vance Montana who is a doctor from Maine. I don't know the name of the cowboy shooting the rifle but if you look closely you can see an ejected shell in the air. I didn't win a buckle this year but had a great time and there was good weather all three days.
Buck Rio SASS #60154
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
thanks for posting your pics. I can tell you were having a good time . Yes the weather was great around the Midwest last week . Best Regards Steve ![]() |
My husband is a SASS member here in GA!. He is getting me into cowboy action shooting now!
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Hey Roger, CAS shooter for a couple of years. I shoot with the Firelands Peacemakers. I have been diligently practicing on plates for about a year and a half, as well as accumulating tools. I read on a knife making forum once, that knife making is all about buying tools, then you die. Sounds similar to my engraving path so far. Eventually I'll have everything I need (Ha!). I'm currently a full time Police officer, and have about three and a half years to go before I retire. I can go now, but my plan is for another 3+. I stumbled on this thread trying to figure out some others thoughts on engraving Ruger revolvers. I was planning on trying the frame and ejector rod housing which are an aluminum alloy, under the theory that I can always replace them if I screw them up. (Gunsmithing 101, always work on the cheapest part). Regardless, I'm still in the research phase, as I don't have confidence in my skills enough yet. Maybe see you at a match sometime. When I do pul the pin, all I want to do is shoot cowboy, engrave, and hunt and fish.
I have always wanted to start shooting CAS And SASS
I'm in southeast South Dakota and my closest in states clubs are 2-3 hrs away. My boys and I found a club 1.5 hrs away in Minnesota and finally made a shoot a couple weeks ago It was a blast it was just as fun as I had hoped We are planning on joining asap. Just having trouble deciding our alias's |
Thanks Jake for resurrecting this thread after more than two years. For a number of reasons, I haven't made it to a SASS shoot this year but hope to yet. Just for fun I am posting a picture of me from 1949 when my family lived near Dallas, Texas. Also pictures of the butt cover for my 66 made by Robert Kennedy, alias Eagle Creek Zeke.
C. Roger Bleile Author of: American Engravers series of books. FEGA Historian and Founding Charter Member http://www.engravingglossary.com/ |
That's a good looking cowpoke!
I've got a 7 yr old that is gonna start shooting Bauckaroo He's really excited I got him a pair of heritage 22 revolvers and an old Marlin 39 a lever action I'm still on the hunt for an old dbl barrel 410 I'm looking forward to engraving them for him eventually I'm a black powder guy so in kinda leaning that way |
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